Heard Island and McDonald Islands Flag

Heard Island and McDonald Islands flag
Heard Island and McDonald Islands flag

The flags of Heard Island and McDonald Islands are identical to those of Australia. The Union Jack is in the upper left corner of the flag, and a big white seven-pointed star is in the lower right corner.

The flag is used to represent the Australian external territory of Heard Island and McDonald Islands, which are located in the southern Indian Ocean. The area is largely deserted and is primarily used for scientific study. Heard Island and McDonald Islands, as Australian territories, use the same flag as the Australian national flag.

Heard Island and McDonald Islands flag downloads

Country information

Heard Island and McDonald Islands are two small islands located in the southern Indian Ocean. They are an external territory of Australia and are located approximately 4,000 kilometers southwest of Perth, Western Australia. The islands are uninhabited, with no permanent human population.

Heard Island is the larger of the two islands, with an area of approximately 368 square kilometers. It is home to a number of important plant and animal species, including seals, penguins, and a variety of birds. The island is also home to the highest mountain in Australian territory, Mawson Peak, which rises to a height of 2,745 meters.

McDonald Islands is a small group of four islands located approximately 50 kilometers to the northwest of Heard Island. The islands are also uninhabited and are home to a number of important plant and animal species, including seals, penguins, and a variety of birds.

Heard Island and McDonald Islands are managed by the Australian Antarctic Division, which is responsible for the administration and protection of the islands. The islands are designated as a World Heritage site due to their unique and pristine natural environment.

Overall, Heard Island and McDonald Islands are two small and remote islands located in the southern Indian Ocean. Despite their small size, they are home to a number of important plant and animal species and are an important part of the Australian territory.

Independent No
Country codes HM, HMD (ISO 3166-1)
Official name Heard Island and McDonald Islands
Official languages English
Religion /
Capital city /
Continent /
Time zone /
Member of /
Population / (2023)
Population density /
Urban Population /
Migrants (net) /
Median age /
Total area The total land area is 368 km2 (142 sq mi)
Highest point Mawson Peak 2,745 m (9006 ft)
Lowest point Indian Ocean
GDP per capita $ / (World Bank, 2021)
Currency /
Calling code /
Internet TLD .hm, .aq (click here to find and register domain name)
Country Wikipedia Page Heard Island and McDonald Islands Wikipedia Page

Main Cities by Population in Heard Island and McDonald Islands

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